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As important as the food and festivities are, the older you get the more you realize the importance of sharing all of that with family and or friends.

With all of the hustle and bustle, I hope everyone has the blessing of being able to take time to share some of the holiday with family and friends.  Weather it’s the actual Turkey Day or any of the surrounding days.

I Love the holidays and I wish each and every one of you has a Thankful filled day.  Thankful for health, abundance, Love, family, friends, food and so much more.

I also LOVE traditions, however so many young people don’t get the meaning of traditions until they get older.  One of my favorite traditions was to have everyone fill out a small slip of paper writing down one thing they were grateful or thankful for.  No names, just a statement.  I would put them in a bag, shake them up and then read each one before we sat down for dinner.

I remember one year, a very young boy wrote that he was so “grateful” that his parents were “very rich”.  His parents were just as shocked as the rest of us about this unknown wealth.  But we all had a good laugh about it.  “Do you remember that one, Tarek?”

So if you have young ones, make a new tradition, whatever it might be and see if it gets passed on. 

In the meantime,

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